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Text File | 1993-11-24 | 3.7 KB | 157 lines | [TEXT/Imag] |
- macro 'Open Serial Port [O]';
- begin
- RequiresVersion(1.48);
- OpenSerial('9600 baud,no parity,eight data,one stop');
- end;
- macro 'Put Serial [P]';
- begin
- PutSerial(GetString('Enter a string:'));
- end;
- macro 'Serial Output Test [T]';
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- SetCursor('Watch');
- for i:=1 to 10 do
- PutSerial('The is line ',i:3,chr(13),chr(10));
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Get Serial and Echo [G]';
- var
- i:integer;
- ch:string; {actually one char}
- begin
- ShowMessage('Press mouse button to abort.');
- SetCursor('Watch');
- repeat until GetSerial=''; {Flush input buffer}
- repeat
- ch:=GetSerial; {returns null string if input buffer empty}
- if ch<>'' then ShowMessage('char="',ch,'" (',ord(ch):1,')');
- PutSerial(ch);
- if ch=chr(13) then PutSerial(chr(10)); {if return send line feed}
- until button;
- end;
- macro 'Capture Serial Input [C]';
- {Captures serial input to a text window.}
- var
- x,y,width,height,cc,tc:integer;
- ch:string; {actually one char}
- begin
- RequiresVersion(1.52);
- OpenSerial('9600');
- NewTextWindow('Serial Input');
- cc:=0; tc:=0;
- ShowMessage('Use command-period to abort');
- SetCursor('Watch');
- repeat
- repeat tc:=tc+1; ch:=GetSerial until (ch<>'') or button;
- write(ch);
- cc:=cc+1;
- until button;
- end;
- macro 'Display Serial Input…';
- {Displays serial input in a window.}
- var
- x,y,width,height,count,line:integer;
- ch:string; {actually one char}
- BaudRate:string;
- begin
- RequiresVersion(1.48);
- repeat
- BaudRate:=Getstring('Baud Rate(1200, 2400, 9600 or 19200)','9600');
- until (BaudRate='1200') or (BaudRate='2400') or(BaudRate='9600') or (BaudRate='19200');
- OpenSerial(BaudRate);
- width:=500;
- height:=500;
- SetNewSize(width,height);
- SetForeground(255);
- SetBackground(0);
- MakeNewWindow('Serial Input');
- SetCursor('Watch');
- SetFont('Monaco');
- SetText('With background; Left Justified');
- SetFontSize(9);
- MoveTo(8,8);
- count:=0;
- line:=0;
- ShowMessage('Press mouse button to abort');
- repeat
- ch:=GetSerial;
- if ch<>'' then begin
- count:=count+1;
- if (ord(ch)=13) or (count=80) then begin {13=Carriage Return}
- writeln(ch);
- count:=0
- line:=line+1;
- if line=54 then begin
- Clear;
- moveto(8,8);
- line:=0;
- end;
- end else
- write(ch);
- end;
- until button;
- end;
- procedure GetResponse;
- {Gets responses to commands sent to the Newport 2-axis controller}
- var
- ch:string;
- TimeOutTicks:integer;
- TimeOUt:boolean;
- begin
- response:='';
- TimeOutTicks:=TickCount+60; {1 sec.}
- repeat
- ch:=GetSerial;
- if ord(ch)>=32 {ignore control characters}
- then response:=concat(response,ch);
- timeout:=TickCount>TimeOutTicks;
- until (ch=return) or TimeOut;
- if TimeOut then response:=concat(response,'[1 second time out]');
- end;
- macro 'Test Newport Motion Controller…[N]';
- {
- Simple macro to test the Newport PMC200-P programmable 2-axis
- motion controller. Before starting, connect the PMC200-P to
- the Mac's modem port. This can be done using a modem cable
- and a 9-pin to 25-pin adapter consisting of a female 25-pin
- connector wired back-to-back with a female 9-pin connector
- acording to the table below.
- 9-pin 25-pin
- 2 <------> 3 (receive data)
- 3 <------> 2 (transmit data)
- 5 <------> 7 (signal ground)
- Note: RS-232 INPUT ECHO MODE must be disabled. The phone
- number for Newport is 714-253-1665.
- }
- var
- cmd,response,linefeed,return:string;
- begin
- RequiresVersion(1.48);
- linefeed:=chr(10);
- return:=chr(13);
- OpenSerial('9600 baud,no parity,eight data,one stop');
- repeat
- cmd:=GetString('Enter PMC200-P Command:','*IDN?');
- repeat until GetSerial=''; {flush input buffer}
- PutSerial(cmd,return,linefeed);
- GetResponse;
- PutMessage(response)
- until button;
- end;